What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

My insurance recommended this company after my small business flooded. They were on top of it!

Hardworking and trustworthy team! 

They were so quick to respond and get a team out fast.. they offer free buffering for air quality no matter what.. I thought that was so nice. They handled everything so well and efficiently and with kindness and compassion. Thank you so much!

When my small business flooded, my insurance recommended SERVPRO of Seattle Northwest and I am so glad we went with them. They did an incredible job!

The best in business for commercial cleaning and restoration! Couldn't trust another company with my business after a loss. 

“A huge thank you to SERVPRO of Shoreline/Woodinville and SERVPRO of Seattle Northwest! We asked for help cleaning the front office and staff lounge chairs and you answered in record time! The staff was giddy and excited for clean chairs! Thank you for supporting the SES PTSA and teachers and staff at SES!